Have a little fun together in 10 easy steps

We recently came back from a road trip to Hokkaido, Japan.  Before we went, we made sure to bring along a DSLR and a camera stand, which I borrowed from my sister.  We are not experts at using the Canon DSLR, but I am quite pleased with how the photos we took came out, and received compliments about them.  So I am excited to share these tips here, which could double/triple up as a second/third pre-wedding photoshoot which you can try out as well.  The experience will be a rewarding one, not because of the WHAT (beautiful photos captured), but more than that, because of the HOW, the whole process of interpreting your private times together as a couple.  This will be a very fulfilling time I promise, so let it all go and have some fun!


Here is how we did it.

Step 1: Be colour-coordinated and matchy in a subtle way in your attire and accessories.  You could consider having matching boots and leather jackets.  You could also work out a theme according to the places you would be going.  Add in some flowery or lacy prints for the lady so that the picture pops when being edited, and bright colours for the guy such as PINK so that he looks different and yet the same.  The idea is to create a casual and effortless style that still looks good.

Step 2: Groom yourself.  For the ladies, this means well blown hair and some natural make up.  If you are not big on make up, put on an eye-popping lip colour such as bright red or pink.  Refrain from bright orange or coral unless you are sure you have a perfect set of extremely white teeth.  For the guys, this means your hairdo and the way you wear your clothes, be stylish about it, have a balance between looking neat and yet messy enough to show that you are comfortable in your own skin.

Step 3: Look up the photos taken by professionals for inspiration on the poses to take. Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest have made available tonnes of portfolios online.  There are many wedding online sites available as well.

Step 4: Have an eye for picturesque landscape or scene that you are able to work with, be it mountains, or a quaint little cafe. You could also consider going to an ULU place; this means going to a secluded place to take all the crazy shots you want.  It was great in Hokkaido because of the vast stretches of land and sights to take it and we already had an itinerary planned out.  Do a little research on the places which would be great backdrops to your photos before you set out.  But have a bit of an adventure streak in you; be sure to check out all the available spots at a location before moving on.  Ours paid off after we wandered into a little church off the grounds of our hotel in Nidom.

Step 5: Get the creative juices flowing.  Look out for items you could add on, such as ice cream or an umbrella, or even in the middle of a meal, to make your interaction in the photo more lively.  You could keep it as a lifestyle shot, or if you prefer, you could also set up a more elaborate set up with pre-prepared props.  We got our items at the places of our shoots, whether ice cream at a shop, umbrella from the hotel, dandelions on the grass, and a random rainbow in the sky.  There was even a time when we witnessed an intimate moment between two deer, and if not for the fact that there were other people in the vicinity, would have created a double intimate set of photos with the deer, haha!

Step 6: Set up the camera and stand.  Select the 10 shots timer for your camera, or whatever number of shots your camera allows you.  I would recommend selecting the highest number of shots available because you will only be able to select one or two, or if you are lucky, a handful of, worthy photos to look at.  Experiment with the height and the resultant different shots that you can obtain.  Experiment with the distance between you and the camera.  Through many tries.  I repeat.  Many many tries.  It will be tiring, but very fun.

Step 7: Be natural. Forget about the camera save for two points.  First, make sure one of you runs to the camera to ensure that you are in the desired area of the picture frame and then click to start the timer.  Second, if you want to take a distance shot, always make sure no one at the back steals your camera.  Once you have addressed these two points, go on and have some fun.  Do what you want to, as a couple having some private fun.  The way you usually show your cheeky or loving ways.  Just be yourself.  Do it in fast or slow motion, depending on your camera settings.  If you are lucky, you may even capture a series of shots capturing a little love story line (see below for an example).

Step 8:  Check the shots taken on the spot.  If you are not happy with the shots, take another round of shots.  Repeat Step 8 until you are satisfied with your shots.

Step 9: When you get home, select a limited set of photos from each “theme”. This will make viewing your photos a refreshing rather than a boring one. This means selecting different photos capturing different interactions, different moods, different lighting, different angles/frames, etc.
The exception is when you have captured a series of photos capturing a story line, as mentioned in Step 7.

Step 10: After selecting the photos you want, it is time to edit the photos.  This is a step that cannot be missed out.  I used Photoscape.  As I am not an expert in photo editing, I shall leave you to explore your own photo editing tools.  The general direction of my editing style was to follow my own instincts.  Depending on how you edit your photos, the mood in the photo may change, and it could be for the better as well.

After completing the 10 steps above, we obtained a set of photos we were proud to call our own.

To love and to cherish

To love and to cherish

Hi there, wanna be friends?

Hi there, wanna be friends?

Our little nest in Hokkaido

Our little nest in Hokkaido

How's the tea I made? (Actually, he made it)

How’s the tea I made? (Actually, he made it)

One umbrella is better than two, all the better to snuggle close together

One umbrella is better than two, all the better to snuggle close together

You make me melt

You make me melt

Him: Did you wash your hair?

Him: Did you wash your hair?

Feed me a bite please

Feed me a bite please


Caught the fluffy dandelions!

Caught the fluffy dandelions!

You and me, inseparable.

You and me, inseparable.

You are my rainbow.

You are my rainbow.

Bonded for life.

Bonded for life.

Frolicking in the gardens.

Frolicking in the gardens.

The best part of this picture?  It was off the road, down a little river hidden from above, and I thankfully tripped over a branch, which made the photo so much more livelier!

The best part of this picture? It was off the road, down a little river hidden from above, and I thankfully tripped over a branch, which made the photo so much more livelier!

Love pinching his chubby cheeks!

Love pinching his chubby cheeks!

So heavy!

So heavy!

Two hoots are better than one.

Two hoots are better than one.



And to end it off, here is the little love story we captured before the cross in the little church we chanced upon.

So fate brought us together..

So fate brought us together..

And when you muster the courage to take the first move...

And when you muster the courage to take the first move…

Amazing things happen!

Amazing things happen!

First round of gown selection!

Was done last Wednesday! Took half day to go on a weekday because 1) it will take the whole day, and 2) it will allow them to give you the full attention rather than having to serve several customers (picky ones too mind you, like..me!).

The experience was rather..duh..not much excitement because it was so tiring having to keep changing into different (heavy) gowns. Now, I’m having second thoughts, again. I’ll be going down again, this time to seek my sisters’ advice, before I proceed to confirm, and double confirm the five gowns!! After viewing Kate Middleton’s wedding gown, I’m rather determined to go for understated elegance rather than all the usual bling bling gowns. I think.

Pink and Tiffany Blue


Pssst. I love this cake! I’m going to convince dear to make this our wedding cake for the dinner next time, somehow! It will fit into our theme so welllll! 😛

Some ideas that we toyed around with. However, beautiful they may be, we still have a budget to cater to. We are however playing around with these colours, pink and teal/tiffany blue! First up, our invitation cards!

It’s true when they say you can never please everyone. Therefore we are just going to stick to what makes us happy and just enjoy the process of preparing everything together.