Our New Nest

Collected our keys to our love nest two weeks ago! (I think?) After the initial exciting stage of unveiling the new house, it has been down to hard work by the hubby on interior designer research! Depending on how a couple works best, I suggest that you split up the workload. For example, the wife can do the bridal stuff (since she will definitely be the fussy and picky grit on such planning. believe. me.) and the husband can go for the more practical side of things, i.e. the house renovations. My hubs did an amazing job, rounding up about 5-8 IDs (interior designers) within a week or two, arranged meetings in the next week, and now we are down to meeting the last few.  All completed within a month.  And I estimated that we will be able to make a decision within the next month!  This, comparing to my constant hungry eyes for prettier gowns, makeup, wedding themes etc, that has been and is still on-going, to the exasperation of my hubs (and my family), is efficient work! Well done dear!